I love writing lists, I have many notebooks full of different lists from to do lists to clothes I want.
So, today I thought I'd share with you a list (not completed) of things I want to do in life, hopefully you'll find it more interesting than I'm making it sound. Some may be more realistic than others!
1. Got to New York
If/when I ever go to New York I'd be the biggest tourist ever, with a camera in one hand and juggling a 'Where to go in NY' leaflet & a map in the other. I'd definitely have to go for a ride in a yellow taxi and make a trip to the Statue Of Liberty. I love the thought of seeing Times Square all lit up or the rest of the sky line for that matter. My dream would be to visit there in the Winter when they have the ice rink in Central Park! Oh I better not forget making a trip to all the amazing shops there.
2. Have a job that I love
I know this may be a big ask I know but, I'm pretty determined! After university I would really like to have a job in illustration/design or maybe fashion, which means working very hard. More importantly a job that I can wake up in the morning and not dread going to work.
3. Be able to speak confidently in front of a crowd of people or just a few people I don't particularly know very well.
I am very shy when it comes to talking in front of people. My worst night mare would be talking on my own in front of a group of people. So this is really beating a kind of fear!
4. Go to London Fashion Week
Obviously I wouldn't be on the front row! I can't even imagine how excited I'd actually be but, maybe, just maybe I'll get the opportunity far into the future to go one day (crosses everything).
5. Visit Rome
I think it would be a crime to love Italian food the amount I do and not visit Rome at least once in my life! I'd definitely do all the touristy things whilst but, eating out a lot would be a must (I better get saving now then). The architecture of the city looks amazing, especially the Trevi Fountain which I'd obviously have to through a coin and make a wish.
6. Do a charity run (and not pass out after a couple of meters running)
Something that would feel so rewarding doing!
7. Own my own house
Don't judge me but, I already have ideas of how I'd like it to look on the inside, my Pinterest is full of my ideas for the future. My dream house would have a bright red front door and the interior a mixture of Sixties/Mid Century and Scandinavian. The main thing I want is a nice, cosy place.
8. Go to Glastonbury Festival
Every year I sit on my sofa at home watching the festival unfold in envy.
9. Finish my University course successfully and get the grade I want at the end of it
I still can't believe I got into university in the first place! I want to work my hardest to get the best grades that I can get!
10. Finish learning how to use a sewing machine
Yeah I can make scrunchie but, who couldn't if they we told how to! I'd love to make a skirt or dress one day when I can find the patience to do so!
They are just a few that I can think of right at this very moment.
None of the photographs included in this post have been taken by myself and have been found on Google images*
Do you have a bucket list or just a few things you'd like to do in your lifetime?