
One Lovely Blog Award

I was nominated by both Faye-Ann and Natalie, so thank you very much for that lovelies, it means a lot, that you like my blog so much to nominate me. Check out their names to see their lovely blogs.
Here are the rules: 
You must display the award logo at the top of the post!
You must thank the person who nominated you and leave a link to their blog in your post!
You must add this set of rules to your post so that your nominees will know what to do!
You must add 7 facts about yourself into the post 
You must nominate 5 other blogs and leave links to each of them in your post!
You must let the people who you have nominated know that they've been nominated!
You must follow back the person who nominated you on Bloglovin.

7 facts about me

1. Lipstick is my favourite beauty product, especially letterbox red.

2. I can be very determined when I want to be

3. I find fashion past and present very interesting.

4. My favourite fruit are strawberries

5. My favourite blogger is What Olivia Did, her style is spot on! Check her blog out now!

6. I get far too excited for Christmas

7. I wanted to be a presenter but, realised I'm too camera shy to do so.

I nominate *drum roll please*

Linda of  www.hilychee.com
Abigail and Savannah of wanderlustdaydreaming.blogspot.co.uk

I look forward to find out more about you all!

What's On My Bedside Table?

A random post on what's on my bedside table because I love to see others for a good ol' nosey. 
All I really have on my bedside table are all the various skin care products that I use before bed. Oh and cup of water to have before bed aha I'm weird, I have to have water in case I need a drink in the middle of the night. During the day it normally ends up with pens and pencils on it  if I'm quickly making a list (I love me some list making) or doing a quick sketch.
Oh don't forget my favourite red nail varnishes! I'm yet to try the Soap and Glory Deep Pore Detox Mask, I have quite large looking pores on my nose, so hopefully this will improve that *crosses fingers*. I have a few dry areas on my face, Nivea Soft Moisturising Cream normally fixes that. I occasionally use the Clearasil Ultra Overnight Lotion when I get spots but, I hardly use it now I purchase Grease Lightning, as it does the job just as well.
I have just recently bought Garnier Micellar Cleansing Water, which I'm finding to be great to take off my make up with. I find that cleansers last a lot longer than make-up wipes, this is what I've found any way. I love the Lush Tea Tree Water (toner), the scent is lovely and it's really refreshing. Grease Lighting is also a god send when I have the odd break out of spots or the odd one, I find that it reduces the size of the spot a lot by the morning when applied the night before. It also really helps my oily skin (mmm sounds so nice when you call it oily). This is my second purchase of both of these Lush products, they both last me a long time (months)!!!
This Elizabeth Arden 8 hour cream is a dream for chapped, weather battered lips, perfect for Autumn and Winter. This little trial pot of Charity Pot, I got it for £1 which was donated to charity when I last shopped at Lush, it smells so good and makes my hands really smooth! Does any body know if they do any thing similar?

Products featured:

Has anybody tried the Soap and Glory Deep Pore Detox Mask? If so, what did you think? Did it make much difference?

Have you tried any of the other products I have on my bedside table? Which are you enjoying?

I hope you enjoyed this post


Let's Be Honest

You wouldn't believe how long it took me to decide what to put in this put, so I'll just chat on in hope that you don't get bored *fingers crossed*.

I just wanted to start by thanking all my new AND old followers for well following me and reading my posts (because lets be honest I'm not the most exciting human), you are all so lovely!

I would also like to apologise for my lack of posts at the moment, I've just been adjusting to being back at uni and obviously I've had work to do for uni. Plus, I've not been feeling 100% myself (health wise) for a while now, making me not want to do much. Sorry for being a bit of a downer in this post, I'm just a bit fed up today and I feel like I'm losing my mojo (wow, just wow did I really use the term mojo? wait what? is that even the right word?) Posting regularly is some thing I definitely want to do and hopefully I will be able to get my butt and health into gear soon to make this happen!  

Posts coming up:
- My Nominees For The Liebster Award  
- What's On My Bedside Table
- One Lovely Blog Award (yes I shall be thinking of more facts about myself for this post)
- Wedding Outfit Post
*note to you all, I'm just a guest, it's not mine aha*

Are there any posts you'd like to see from me? If there are please let me know. 

Thank you for sticking with me.
Stay classy guys! 


Liebster Award

I was kindly nominated me for a Liebster award by the lovely Liz (check out her blog by clicking on her name), thank you for the nomination Liz! 

so the rules are...
1. Post 11 facts about you
2. Answer the 11 questions set by the blogger who nominated you.
3. Nominate 11 blogs with under 200 followers.
4. Link your nominees to the post.
5. Create 11 questions for your nominees to answer.
6. Let the nominees chosen know they have been tagged
11 facts about me
1. I've be on the One Show (a tv show on the BBC) when I painted a mural on the side of a building with my boyfriend and a group of people from my college.
2. I'm half Irish
3. I have unusually small hands and feet for my height (5 foot 8)
4. I'm obsessed with the 60's
5. I've been with boyfriend for nearly 3 years in January
6. I can be very shy when I first meet people
7. When I was 13 I went to drama classes to give me more confidence
8. I feel the cold very easily
9. I reallyyyyyyy want to go to New York
10. I find drawing to be very calming
11. My favourite colour is red, this may be the reason why I like wearing red lipstick so much

Questions from Liz

1. Describe your dream vacation? 
either a trip to Italy or New York 
2. what is your favorite store/website?
Lush, Topshop, Primark, ASOS
3. what is your favorite beauty product? either lipstick or eyeliner. My favourite eyeliner is Supercat by Soap & Glory, if you struggle with eyeliner I'd definitely give that product a try.  
4. What is your favourite snack? Can I put yoghurt? I love yoghurt! 
5. How would you describe your style?
One day I can dress like a teenage boy, wearing black skinny jeans, a band shirt and converses (sometimes with a big chunky jumper). Then, another day I'll be wearing shift dresses and other items of clothing inspired by Sixties fashion with my Chelsea boots. How to describe it hmm... girly tom boy? Is that even a thing?
6. what would you do if you won the lottery?
Donate money to some charities, go on holiday with my family and then on holiday with my boyfriend, I'd get presents for my loved ones, treat myself and buy lots of art supplies. 
7. Have you ever been to a festival?
Yeah, I've been to Leeds festival twice (2011 & 2012). I will go to Glastonbury one year, I'll make sure of it! 
8.What was your childhood dream.
Do you mean job because if so, I wanted to be a bus driver so I could drive my friends around.
9.what is your favourite holiday? 
My favourite holiday so far were the holidays, when I'd go to Lanzarote and rent out a Villa with my family. Walking by the beach in the evenings was lovely.
10. what is your favorite childhood movie? My favourite films as a child were Chitty, Chitty, Bang, Bang, the Hunchback of Notre Dame and Toy Story. I also loved Christmas films when I was little (I still do)
11. Describe the most beautiful scene you've ever seen
I really can't pick! :-(

I will make another post soon about who I've nominated for the Liebster Award! 


Very Pinteresting

Okay, I must confess that I'm obsessed with Pinterest, I could spend hours on there looking for inspiration for things such as illustrations, interior design or recipes. If you've don't know what Pinterest is, it's like an online scrap book of peoples favourite things. I thought I'd share with you a few images/Pins which may give you an idea of what I like and what to expect from the rest of my Pinterest.
Beauty board
Pinterest is great for tutorials on various things, hair styles, make-up looks and nail art. I really want to create the flower nail art style shown above and try out the vintage hair style in the first photo. 
D.I.Y board
The D.I.Y's on Pinterest are so interesting, I hope to do most of the ones I have pinned on to this board at some point in my life. The middle image above reminds me of when I was in primary school and we all made a miniature garden in these trays and made benches out of lolly sticks.
Products I love board
This board consists of novelty items, retro inspired items and generally jazzy looking things.
I love the Orla Kiely cushion it looks modern and retro (with clear inspiration from bold 60's patterns). How nice is the colour of the the sixties phone chair above? 
Bedroom board
All the pins from my bedroom board look very fresh and girly (even though I'm not a complete girly-girl) I like the idea of a bedroom being a very tranquil and cosy place. I'd have quite a bit of white with some bolder colours coming through accessories and prints on the wall.
Bathroom board
I'd have a whole nautical feel in my future bathroom; shells, blue tones, rope details and maybe miniature beach huts. Just something with a nice, fresh feel to it, not something too clinical though! 
Kitchen board
A smeg is definitely in my future kitchen to make it my dream kitchen! I like the idea of one one of those old style sinks like in the pin above. A black board in the kitchen would be essential for me to remember what I needed from the shops (lets face it, I'd lose a list) then I could take a photo of the list on the black board before heading to the shops. 
Dining Room board

I don't have much to say about this board really.
Living room board
My Living Room board features a lot of grey fabric couches, some 60's furniture, prints and photos hung up on walls. 

Little details board
I'm sorry but, how cool is that roller?? the mini house is a tea light holder, imagine how cute that would look when it's dark in whichever room it's placed in.
Illustration board
I love illustration which is definitely a good thing when I'm taking a course on it! I enjoy seeing other peoples styles and finding out there inspirations for their work. These are a few of my favourite illustrations that I've pinned over my time of having Pinterest. 

If you'd like to see more my Pinterest here's the link: pinterest.com/lemon94/

Do you have Pinterest? Feel free to drop your link in the comments box and I'll give you a follow!

Thanks for reading!

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