I was nominated by both Faye-Ann and Natalie, so thank you very much for that lovelies, it means a lot, that you like my blog so much to nominate me. Check out their names to see their lovely blogs.
Here are the rules: You must display the award logo at the top of the post!
You must thank the person who nominated you and leave a link to their blog in your post!
You must add this set of rules to your post so that your nominees will know what to do!
You must add 7 facts about yourself into the post
You must nominate 5 other blogs and leave links to each of them in your post!
You must let the people who you have nominated know that they've been nominated!
You must follow back the person who nominated you on Bloglovin.
You must add this set of rules to your post so that your nominees will know what to do!
You must add 7 facts about yourself into the post
You must nominate 5 other blogs and leave links to each of them in your post!
You must let the people who you have nominated know that they've been nominated!
You must follow back the person who nominated you on Bloglovin.
7 facts about me
1. Lipstick is my favourite beauty product, especially letterbox red.
2. I can be very determined when I want to be
3. I find fashion past and present very interesting.
4. My favourite fruit are strawberries
5. My favourite blogger is What Olivia Did, her style is spot on! Check her blog out now!
6. I get far too excited for Christmas
7. I wanted to be a presenter but, realised I'm too camera shy to do so.
I nominate *drum roll please*
Kelsey of www.kelseybeauty.blogspot.co.uk
Linda of www.hilychee.com
Epiphany of www.epiphanyheartsit.blogspot.co.uk
Amy of www.littlelovehrt.com
Abigail and Savannah of wanderlustdaydreaming.blogspot.co.uk
I look forward to find out more about you all!