I'd been wanting to go to London for a couple of years now and on Tuesday last week I finally got round to going with thanks to my lovely boyfriend (Tom) paying for my train tickets and the use of my newly bought student rail card - containing photograph of me looking like a serial killer.
We were lucky enough that we did not need to pay for accommodation as Tom's Auntie and Uncle kindly let us stay at their house which was like my dream house; a high ceiling Victorian house including bay windows and the ultimate bathroom need, a roll top bath. Tom was right when he said I would love it and not want to leave!
When we arrived in London last Tuesday we had a look around Oxford Circus and Carnaby Street which was really exciting for me seeing the huge Topshop on and some of my favourite shops on Carnaby Street - Dahlia, Dr. Martens, Benefit and Lazy Oaf among a few. I have wanted to see Carnaby Street for a couple of years now due to it's high influence and popularity in the Sixties. If I was given a time machine one of the first places I'd go would be Carnaby Street in the 1960's with out a doubt!
Feeling peckish we came across a Byron - Proper Hamburger on Beak street which we've wanted to try for a while when out in Manchester. I tried the Byron burger that I quickly polished off, I found the Byron sauce particularly tasty! I'd give it a 9.6 out of 10, if you're a fan of burgers I would definitely recommend it. But, don't worry if you're a vegetarian they have few options for you too, such as their Bean Patty or maybe try one of their tasty salads.

After sleeping like a baby probably due to walking what was definitely the most I have walked in one in my entire 21 years of living, we headed to the Natural History Museum. The museum resembling a sauna and was packed with children, maybe not the best idea going during the week when children have either broke up from school for summer or are having their final week trips with their classes. Non the less I loved looking around and taking plenty of photographs of course! I had to take an obligatory photo of the dinosaur skeleton that is placed in the main hall of the museum, it just had to be done. Unfortunately, it wasn't the best photo going, so enjoy the photos that Tom took inside the museum instead.
In the afternoon it all got hella exciting as I was lucky enough to be going to the Alexander McQueen - Savage Beauty exhibition at the Victoria and Albert museum. I had seen the exhibition and knew I wanted to go back in April/May but, I knew I couldn't afford the tickets. Being super lucky the Tom's Auntie had a pass for the exhibition which meant she could bring a guest for free,! Never have I been so excited, I was not disappointed at all. It was everything I expected and more, the way McQueen's pieces were presented was amazing, using the room as a back drop for his masterpieces really set them off (not that they need it). I literally could have spent hours in there, especially looking at the Cabinet of Curiosities home to many of Alexander's pieces of work are displayed from shoes to headgear to dresses to capes. I just stood there in awe for the majority of my time in there. I really wish I could have take photographs of it all. If you love fashion this a must see exhibition for you!
On the Thursday we packed up our things and with my suitcase in had we explored London, sort of slowly making our way to train station. Having a bit of a nerdy moment we went for a look around Forbidden Planet and holy guacamole was it a treat for somebody who's a fan of Star Wars!
So that was my trip to London! Sorry, this has been quite a long post, I hope you enjoyed it.
I hope to go back again for longer so I have time to have a good look around all the shops :-)
(a sneaky photo taken of me taking photographs, Tom meeting his long lost brother)
{disclaimer - photo of Carnaby Street found on google images, photo of Byron Hamburgers window belongs to Byron Hamburgers them self and photo of McQueen's exhibition belongs to the Victoria and Albert museum.}
Would anybody like me to do a full post on my visit to V&A's exhibition of Alexander McQueen's Savage Beauty? Please leave a comment if your would like me to.
Love from