I do have 'selfies' (as the hip kids call them) but, that doesn't bother me as much as having my photograph taken by somebody else, I guess because I have control of deleting 100's of photos until I'm remotely near being comfortable with a photo. Also, I can play about with the angle of the camera till I'm happy that my double chin is tucked away and not saying hi.
My insecurities about the way I look especially I believe are down to constantly being called Ugly by a boy in my high school. No matter how many times someone calls me pretty it still doesn't cancel out the negativity. I think that's why I love complimenting people because I like knowing I've made somebody feel good about themselves.
When it comes to Uni I'm forever second guessing the illustrations I create which means it takes forever for me too finish pieces of work and even when I do I doubt whether it's good enough. Since being off for Summer I feel that I have gained more confidence in my work whilst experimenting with collage. Hopefully with more confidence I will create stronger and stronger illustrations.
I want to have more faith in my self to succeed instead of forever thinking that my efforts will be good enough. Also, to stop comparing myself to others I see as being pretty or successful because let's face that's not going to my insecurities one bit!
Do you have any advice for me when it comes to confidence, insecurities and anxieties?
I'd love to hear any advice you have
Thanks for reading,
Love from