
I'm back!!

Yes, I'm finally back on my blog, for how long nobody knows! Sorry, for being away for ages being in my last year of Uni means that my life is currently just drawing from when I wake up 'till I go to bed at night. I take my hat off to anybody who does the both! Hopefully I will be able to post more soon once my Christmas show/exhibition has been set up.

I hope to write a few posts in the next few weeks: 

- Christmas gift ideas 
- My personal Christmas wishlist
- A post dedicated to Christmas decorations
- Clothes I'm loving at the moment & wish I owned
- Possibly a couple of interviews
- If I get chance a recipe

So stay tuned for those in the next few weeks!
Stay tuned? Who do I think I am? A presenter?

Thanks for reading!
Love from


Memory Walk for Alzheimer's Society

So, just over 3 weeks ago I did my Memory walk in Heaton Park to raise money and awareness for the Alzheimer's Society
As you may or may not know, I lost my Grandad back in March of this year. When he was alive he showed many symptoms of Dementia but, was never officially diagnosed. Not long after the passing of my Grandad I watched a three part programme called Dementia. Whilst I was lying in bed awake that night I thought ' I want to do something to help but, what?' And that's when I discovered the Memory Walk on the Alzheimer's Society website, seconds later I was registered to take part in the Manchester Memory Walk.

After, speaking to my family about taking part, my mum, dad and sister decided they would also take part in the walk. On the run up to the Memory Walk my mum and I had spoken to people that work for the press of Alzheimer's Society, sharing our story with them. Our story about my Grandad's struggle with Dementia was featured in a couple of Newspapers to help raise awareness. My mum was also brave enough to have a short interview on the radio.

Together we raised over £360 for the Alaheimer's Society!

Here's me, my mum and sister at the start line with the lovely Colin who cared for his wife who had Dementia and also cut the ribbon.
It's not the clearest photo but, can you spot me on left wearing the bright pink trainers looking slightly confused?
(photo belongs to itv/granada news)

The day was lovely and it was heart warming seeing so many people up and out on Saturday morning to raise money and awareness. I actually did quite well walking wise managing to stay up with the first 10 (20 at times), although I did manage to trip up and land in a load of mud causing it to swell a little (wow I'm super clumsy).  

Here are a few photos I took on my walk

I can't wait to do it all again next year! Hopefully I will get chance to take more pictures the second way round.

Thanks for reading!
Love from 


My New Obsession-Villoid

Recently, I have been obsessed with an app called Villoid, what is Villoid you ask? Well, it's a fashion app that lets you create mood boards of potential outfits whilst getting inspiration from other lovely Villoid users (this includes some well known fashion lovelies too). You want to buy your outfit? No problem, Villoid has a shopping function so your dream outfit can become a reality. The app has been described as 'your own personal dressing up box'. 

I came across Villoid when I saw Alexa Chung announce on Instagram that she had been one half of the co-founding team with Jeanette Dyhre Kvisvik to create the app. So, of course with Alexa on board I had to try it out. 

I love the social element of the app where you are able to follow other Villoid users and you can comment on the boards that they've created. It's like Instagram with clothes that you can buy but, you can't buy some ones cat on Instagram. You can browse through clothes by various designers such as Mui Mui, ASOS, Alexa Chung for AG, Chloe, Dahlia, just to name a few. If you an item you have used in a board you created goes on sale you will get a cheeky notification letting you know. It's times like that when I wish I wasn't a poor uni student so I could buy everything.

Can some body please create a job where you get paid to make boards on Villoid all day? Please let that be a real thing one day!

Here are a few boards that I have made, the ones I've featured in the post are inspired by the film characters style or the actresses themselves.


Let me know what you think of my boards and if you have Villoid, I will definitely follow.

Thanks for reading, 


D.I.Y Russian Stacking Dolls

Back in February I got my bedroom decorated kindly by my Dad and recently I finally I got round to thinking about what finishing touches I wanted adding; photographs/prints, ornaments and bit's of storage. The other day I glimpsed at my Russian stacking dolls which got me thinking that that they looked a little worse for wear due to sun fading their colour.

This is what my dolls looked like before I painted them up:

I started off by searching Google images for a photo of Russian stacking dolls, I was lucky enough to find an image that was pretty much identical to the design on mine. I then used paints (I used some ceramic paints that I had, I am aware that my dolls are not ceramic aha) to decorate them. I did have to put a few coats on them as the paints didn't go on perfect because the Russian Dolls were glossy.

And this is what they looked like after:

I don't think I did too bad a job to say I don't have the steadiest of hands.

What do you think? Do you have Russian Stacking Dolls?

thanks for reading
love from

For the Love of Zara

As you may have gathered by now I love a good browse through the online shops but, I've never had a good look through Zara. After, browsing I think 'Why have I never bought anything from here before?' (yes, you heard that right), I want EVERYTHING! Home to dreamy patterned clothes the like you would see on Twiggy and Patti Boyd.
Even more surprising than how beautiful the clothes are is the price for most of the items, with some dresses being between £25 - £35 which I think is such a good price for patterned clothing which normally costs more. 

I don't own anything yellow but, this would soon change if I could afford this lovely flared sleeve number! Can we please appreciate the dreaminess of the patterns on 3, 6 and 9? This stripey dress (7) reminds me a lot of a Chanel dress that I've seen before (I can't find the example anywhere though). The grey jumper looks so comfy so that qualified it to be a part of my Zara wishlist.
I really like how (10) reminds of mosaics and modern day versions of Roman baths.  (11) This lovely lace number would be perfect worn with a patterned skirt. I think the cut out piece on the back of this little black dress (12). I'm a big fan of this co-ord set (13) it looks so comfy and I love the colour too. I don't own a play suit (I'm not sure why, really) but, this (14) one is very tempting with it's ditsy floral print and puff-ball sleeves.  I love the colour palette of (15) giving off 60's/70's vibes. The cute pin tuck top (16) would look lovely tucked into denim A-line skirt or even a jazzy patterned skirt. Yes, that is another flare sleeved dress (17) you see but, I like the colour and the Sixties pattern of this one too. What got (18) into my favourites list was the ruffle collar with lace panel down the front & it is also a very flattering shape. This t-shirt (19) is a definite need with the slogan 'Be Nice or go away'. There is just something about this Jacquard dress (20) that I really like, it could be the contrast of the yellow on the black & the neck bow detail.

As you can see Zara has got me hook, line and sinker!

I hope you like my wishlist, is there any pieces you would like from it?
Thank you for reading
Love From


My Stationary Internet Finds

The first day back to school after the summer holidays felt like every Sunday but, times by a thousand however, the one thing that did cheer me up was knowing I had some new stationary fresh in my bag. Not much has changed nearly six years on, I still love stationary and it is one thing that makes me look forward going back to University.

I popped to the Trafford Centre the other day and did a bit of stationary shop for uni. Hopefully in the next few days I will post a 'New Stationary Buys' post for you all. But, until then I will leave you with this post on my favourite stationary bits and bobs that I've found on the internet.

{Note pad set -£9.87- Modcloth // Plant Pen Pot -£9.87- Modcloth // Ceramic Memo Elephant -£14- Urban Outfitters // Retro Pattern Notebook -£8.55- Modcloth // 'Things in my head' Notebook -£4.95- Old English Company // 3 Pen Cups -£2- Ikea // Woodland A4 folder -£2.50- Paperchase}

                             (talking about items starting from top to bottom right)
 I think the set of four note pads are super handy for people who are like me that find remember things very tricky or just busy bees who have a lot to jot down. It also helps that it's easy on the eye! 
This plot plot aka pen pot is fab, it's such a cool idea. I really must buy this one day!
How cute is this little ceramic elephant named Eric for you to write your memos on, because elephants don't forget. My next favourite is the vintage McCalls pattern bound notebooks because I'm a big fan of anything retro fashion.
I love the typography/handwriting on this notebook that would be really handy to put in your bag in case you need to ever quickly write anything down, this happens to me all the time.
Now this is a bit of a cheat because I actually have this item, these jazzy look geometric patterned pen pots which I love as they really brighten up my desk at uni.
My last but not least favourite is this lovely winter woodland patterned elasticated folder, perfect to keep important pieces of paper/lecture notes safe.

I hope you liked this post and enjoy buying your stationary as much as I do.

Thank you for reading!
love from 


General Insecurities and Blogging

Note: By writing this I'm not saying I'm the only one who has every had insecurities or anything like that. I just wanted to get stuff off my chest.

Don't insecurities and anxieties suck? I'd love to be one of those people where; I'm not super awkward when meeting people due to worrying whether the person will find me annoying or hate me, doing a presentation in front of more than one person isn't a big no no and  even a small thing that turns into a huge thing for me, like having my photograph taken was easy peasy.

I do have 'selfies' (as the hip kids call them) but, that doesn't bother me as much as having my photograph taken by somebody else, I guess because I have control of deleting 100's of photos until I'm remotely near being comfortable with a photo. Also, I can play about with the angle of the camera till I'm happy that my double chin is tucked away and not saying hi.

My insecurities about the way I look especially I believe are down to constantly being called Ugly by a boy in my high school. No matter how many times someone calls me pretty it still doesn't cancel out the negativity. I think that's why I love complimenting people because I like knowing I've made somebody feel good about themselves. 

When it comes to Uni I'm forever second guessing the illustrations I create which means it takes forever for me too finish pieces of work and even when I do I doubt whether it's good enough. Since being off for Summer I feel that I have gained more confidence in my work whilst experimenting with collage. Hopefully with more confidence I will create stronger and stronger illustrations.

Blogging wise I'd love to do outfit posts to show my personal style but, I always care too much about the way I look in the photos. Over thinking whether my faces look okay to be unleashed on the public eye and trying not to include it in photos if I'm having a bad day etc. Another thing that holds my blog back is me questioning whether

I want to have more faith in my self to succeed instead of forever thinking that my efforts will be good enough. Also, to stop comparing myself to others I see as being pretty or successful because let's face that's not going to my insecurities one bit!

Do you have any advice for me when it comes to confidence, insecurities and anxieties? 
I'd love to hear any advice you have

Thanks for reading, 
Love from


I Love Making Lists

With my third and final year of Uni is fastly approaching (scary times) I thought I would do a list of things I want to start doing/improving on in hope of feeling better health wise and happiness wise. Some may take longer and be more difficult to do than others.

1. Start a mini note book filled with illustrators that inspire me and inspirational quotes
I think it would be nice idea to just keep in my bag to flick through when I'm having illustrators block.
2. Be more positive
I promise I will cut down on complaining, promise.
3. Go for a walk at least once a day 
I'm the worst for sitting inside all day
4. Find a way to de-stress or become less anxious 
maybe try getting properly into yoga and reading regularly 
5. Have more confidence in myself and stop over thinking
I'm the biggest self doubter and now I'm getting to the stage where I think that well used phrase 'Life's To Short'.
6. Start going to the gym
I would like to try going at least once a week to start out but, do daily exercises using YouTube videos and such 
7. Stop comparing myself to others 
I'm the worst at this, which definitely has an impact on what I think about my work!  
8. Draw every day
Even if it's just a super quick drawing
9. Drink more water!
Drinking 8 glasses of water a day can't be that difficult, right?
10. Work hard on developing my illustration style
Experiment with different materials and use a sketch book better & daily.
11. Look after my skin
Washing my face with water and using cleanser probably isn't enough & could be the reason why I have the skin of a 13 year old.
12. Blog more!
This means blogging on here more regularly instead of once a month (if that) and also using my illustration to document the progress of my work (at least once a week).

                   The illustrations featured in this post are by illustrator Marc Johns, so feel free to check more of his work out.

Thank you for reading 
Love from


Fundraising for Alzheimers Society

This is a bit of a change from the usual clothes wish list blog posts I normally do but, this is very important to me.

     In September I will be taking part in a Memory Walk to raise money for Alzheimers Society and I'm doing it in memory of my lovely Grandad. I set up a JustGiving page for any donations, I would love to reach my target of £100 and hopefully get over my target amount. 
It would be amazing and I would appreciate it so much if anybody reading this post could donate just a little, if you would like to my JustGiving page
is www.justgiving.com/katiesmemorywalk2015/

Here's a bit of information about Dementia for people wanting to know more:
What is Dementia?
Dementia is a term to describe symptoms such as memory loss and having difficulties with thinking, problem solving and language. It also can also change the persons behaviour and mood. The changes start off small but, over time becomes severe enough to affect daily life. How quickly dementia develops is down to the individual person.
The most common types of Dementia are Alzheimer's Disease, Vascular Dementia, Mixed Dementia (Alzheimer's Disease & Vascular Disease), Dementia with Lewy Bodies and Frontotemporal Dementia.

The number of people will Dementia is estimated to be around 850,000 in the UK.

Who does it affect?

It affects both men & women and mostly people that are ages 65 and over. However, there are more that 40, 000 under the age of 65 have Dementia in the UK. 

What could donated money go towards?

- £5 could pay for one person to attend a half hour session at a monthly Dementia Café, providing information and support for people with dementia and their carers.
£10 pays for someone with dementia to enjoy a Singing for the Brain session, boosting their confidence and well-being.
- £20 could pay for 100 copies of Understanding and respecting the person with dementia - one of the Society's most requested factsheets.
£30 allows a person with dementia to attend weekly Dementia Cafe sessions for a month where they can meet others, share experiences and feel less isolated.
£50 could fund a PhD researcher for one day to continue vital research into understanding the causes of dementia, how it can be treated and, ultimately, to find a cure.
£120 could pay to run Talking Point for one day - the Society's 24/7 online community for all people affected by dementia.

My Story

My Grandad was never officially diagnosed with Dementia but, a number of doctors had said that he showed symptoms. At one point he did forget who I was which was so difficult but, I was lucky enough that he did have good days as well bad where he would still love a good laugh, this normally involving doing very silly dances. He did struggle with what definitely seemed like Dementia, having days where he would often just want to sleep and would barely talk to any body, which was unusual for my Grandad who often was a rather chatty person. In February was taken to hospital as he was very confused about what was going on & who people were, which showed signs that he could have a urinary tract infection (this causes sudden & severe confusion known as 'delirium'). Unfortunately, his health deteriorated rather quickly whilst in hospital with him refusing to eat and drink which I think is due to Dementia. Sadly, my lovely Grandad passed away on the 7th of March (the night before my 21st birthday) and I've felt heartbroken ever since.

I will always remember my Grandad as being my number one fan especially when it came to my artwork and how his face would light up when I would come & visit him when I returned home from uni for the weekend or holidays. I miss him so very much!

If you would like to donate please go to my JustGiving page
Also, if you want to know more about Alzheimer's Society and Dimentia head to 
www.alzheimers.org.uk/ which is where I got all my information.
Thank you for reading this post, I know it's been a bit of a long one but, I found that this writing this post was very important.
Love from


I'm Selling On Etsy!

So, whilst being off for summer I decided to dust my sewing machine off and try my hand at making some bunting. After, getting used to making it and finding out the method that works for me I decided to sell my bunting on Etsy as you may have seen on the badge on the sidebar of my blog.

Here's what they look like

I am also making hand decorated mugs like this one I made for my cousin

Feel free to check out my Etsy shop www.etsy.com/uk/shop/LipstickandPaisley
If you would like a hand decorated mug please email :-)

Love from


My ASOS Favourites

The other night whilst procrastinating I browsed ASOS, as you may be able to tell I looked mainly at dresses. I saw a lot of clothing that I wish I owned or had the money to own, so I thought I would share with you all my favourites.

There's a bit of a 60's/70's look with all of these picks, I love the bright & bold patterns of dresses 3, 5 and 9, they look nice and summery but could be layered over a shirt in the winter with tights too. I've been saying a need a denim A-line skirt for months now but, after seeing the denim dresses (2&10) I think I need to go all out denim! The embroidery on the shirt (my 1st pick) is so delicate and is nice change to the usual plain white shirt that I wear. 6 is a must for my favourites as I've wanted a Fred Perry shirt but, this is a must! However, until I'm rich I doubt I'll be buying this £75 dress *hangs head in sadness*.  With a collar large enough to kill someone no. 11 is a firm favourite, covered in a what looks like watercolour flower print. This shirt takes me straight back to the nineteen seventies. No. 7 isn't something I'd usually go for due to it's plunged neck line but, how could this not be a favourite with it's jazzy flared sleeves and it's beautifully delicate lace back detail. Also, I'm quite a fan of the black and what I'd describe as a peachy/terra cotta colour palette. Another favourite is the Ranch shirt from Sister Jane sold on ASOS which is one super jazzy shirt.
I love the simplicity and shape of dresses 13, 15, 16 & 17. I think number 16 would be prefect for summer, the off the shoulder style looks lovely. I couldn't go a single wishlist without including a stripy piece and this dress ticks all the boxes with it's skater style skirt and halter-neck. I'm a huge fan of denim pinafore dress (no. 15) it would go perfectly with a shirt or even t-shirt teamed with a pair of Converses for a laid back look or a pair of Chelsea boots to dress it up. I think the A-line style of the dress is super flattering. Number 12 & 14 on the list are both beautifully patterned and looks nice and light for this time of the year. Number 14 especially could be easily dressed up taking the look from day to night. 

I hope you enjoyed this post and feel free to leave any comments you feel.
Thank you for reading
love Katie


My Trip To London

I'd been wanting to go to London for a couple of years now and on Tuesday last week I finally got round to going with thanks to my lovely boyfriend (Tom) paying for my train tickets and the use of my newly bought student rail card - containing photograph of me looking like a serial killer. 
      We were lucky enough that we did not need to pay for accommodation as Tom's Auntie and Uncle kindly let us stay at their house which was like my dream house; a high ceiling Victorian house including bay windows and the ultimate bathroom need, a roll top bath. Tom was right when he said I would love it and not want to leave! 

When we arrived in London last Tuesday we had a look around Oxford Circus and Carnaby Street which was really exciting for me seeing the huge Topshop on  and some of my favourite shops on Carnaby Street - Dahlia, Dr. Martens, Benefit and Lazy Oaf among a few. I have wanted to see Carnaby Street for a couple of years now due to it's high influence and popularity in the Sixties. If I was given a time machine one of the first places I'd go would be Carnaby Street in the 1960's with out a doubt!
Feeling peckish we came across a Byron - Proper Hamburger on Beak street which we've wanted to try for a while when out in Manchester. I tried the Byron burger that I quickly polished off, I found the Byron sauce particularly tasty! I'd give it a 9.6 out of 10, if you're a fan of burgers I would definitely recommend it. But, don't worry if you're a vegetarian they have few options for you too, such as their Bean Patty or maybe try one of their tasty salads. 
After sleeping like a baby probably due to walking what was definitely the most I have walked in one in my entire 21 years of living, we headed to the Natural History Museum. The museum resembling a sauna and was packed with children, maybe not the best idea going during the week when children have either broke up from school for summer or are having their final week trips with their classes. Non the less I loved looking around and taking plenty of photographs of course! I had to take an obligatory photo of  the dinosaur skeleton that is placed in the main hall of the museum, it just had to be done. Unfortunately, it wasn't the best photo going, so enjoy the photos that Tom took inside the museum instead. 

In the afternoon it all got hella exciting as I was lucky enough to be going to the Alexander McQueen - Savage Beauty exhibition at the Victoria and Albert museum. I had seen the exhibition and knew I wanted to go back in April/May but, I knew I couldn't afford the tickets. Being super lucky the Tom's Auntie had a pass for the exhibition which meant she could bring a guest for free,! Never have I been so excited, I was not disappointed at all. It was everything I expected and more, the way McQueen's pieces were presented was amazing, using the room as a back drop for his masterpieces really set them off (not that they need it). I literally could have spent hours in there, especially looking at the Cabinet of Curiosities home to many of Alexander's pieces of work are displayed from shoes to headgear to dresses to capes. I just stood there in awe for the majority of my time in there. I really wish I could have take photographs of it all. If you love fashion this a must see exhibition for you! 

On the Thursday we packed up our things and with my suitcase in had we explored London, sort of slowly making our way to train station. Having a bit of a nerdy moment we went for a look around Forbidden Planet and holy guacamole was it a treat for somebody who's a fan of Star Wars! 

So that was my trip to London! Sorry, this has been quite a long post, I hope you enjoyed it.
I hope to go back again for longer so I have time to have a good look around all the shops :-)
(a sneaky photo taken of me taking photographs, Tom meeting his long lost brother)

{disclaimer - photo of Carnaby Street found on google images, photo of Byron Hamburgers window belongs to Byron Hamburgers them self and photo of McQueen's exhibition belongs to the Victoria and Albert museum.} 

Would anybody like me to do a full post on my visit to V&A's exhibition of Alexander McQueen's Savage Beauty? Please leave a comment if your would like me to.

Love from



Netflix Tag

I thought I'd do this tag because as a student it becomes a daily essential to cure boredom and avoiding uni work -oops.

1. What are your favourite series' to watch on Netflix?
The Office U.S is one of my favourite programmes ever, it has Steve Carrel in it so what more do you want?

2. What are you currently watching on Netflix? Nothing at the moment as I'm at home for Summer but, I have been watching My Mad Fat Diary on Channel 4 On Demand, which I got so into and finished in about 4 days. 

3. If you could have any series, old or new on Netflix, what would it be? Hmm thats a good question, probably The Middle!

4. What is your one peeve about Netflix? The devastating moment you finish a tv series and you end up having to scroll and scroll and scroll and scroll to find something to watch. There are loads of films on there that nobody has ever heard of!

5. What are your essentials for a perfect night with Netflix? 
Some snacks, being in my pyjamas(obviously), a duvet and my boyfriend is my ideas of a perfect Netflix night.

6. Recommend one series or film for someone else? 
Breaking Bad is a must and for a giggle the Office.
7. Name a series on Netflix you keep meaning to watch but haven't yet? 

Hmm none right now!

8. Did you discover anything awesome because of Netflix? hmm I did discover Brooklyn Nine which I love! I also discovered the Unbreakable Kimmy Schimdt another favourite which I can't wait to come back on!


New Bedroom Wishlist

Back in January my lovely Dad kindly decorated my bedroom, new wallpaper, new carpet, the lot! I was a little sad to see my floral wallpaper, pink and lavender paint colour scheme (that I've had since I was probably 15 years old) go. On the upside my bedroom makeover also consisted of getting a new bed, woop woop! This was definitely a big deal for a girl who's had the same bed since the age of 4 (yes, 4 years old, you did hear that right). So, of course I had to pop to my favourite place for all things home wear/furniture related...IKEA in order to get my new bed. After, much umming and erring I decided on an oak look bed with under bed storage called MALM, the drawers on the sides of the bed are prefect for me, somebody who has lots of bits and bobs (pieces of art I've made, big folders and things that just have no place). So another big change was the wall paper, which I'm in love with! It's basically a collage of vintage postcards from destinations such as Paris, London, India and New York on a wallpaper.

This is just a small section of the wallpaper.

I am slowly getting all my bits and pieces back in my room but, I still need to buy items like storage, photo frames and wall art etc. So, here is my wishlist that I have gathered from various websites.
1. Audrey Hepburn Wall art - B&Q // 2. White Ceramic box - H&M // 3. Ornate Scroll Cutwork photo frame - M&S // 4. Light Pink Ceramic box - H&M // 5. C'est La Vie! cushion - H&M // 6. White Lantern - H&M // 7. Bird Heart photo frame - M&S // 8. Metal Wire basket - H&M // 9. Marilyn Monroe Wall art - B&Q

I have a decent space on one of my bedroom's wall which I want to turn in to a photo wall gallery (you know the Pinterest kind) so I thought the Audrey and Marilyn photos would be perfect for that. I'm loving the cute little ceramic boxes in this wishlist, definitely need so I hopefully will stop losing all my bobby pins, seriously where do they all go? How nice are both of the photo frames which I will put family photos in, I love how the white frame looks like branches joining to form a heart with birds perched on the top. The metal wire basket would be used to put my hair dryer and straighteners in, I may get an actual box with a lid for them instead as I don't like the wires of my hair dryer etc being on show as I think they look messy (but hey that's just me).  The monochrome cushion with the line 'C'est la Vie!' would go nicely in my room as my wallpaper is quite colourful and it wouldn't clash with all the colours and I think the line 'that's life' is something I should listen to, as I worry far too much! I think the white lantern is so cute with the cut out details.

10. Grid photo frame - Urban Outfitters // 11. Ornate Bronze mirror - Urban Outfitters // 12. Paris Souvenirs wall art - B&Q // 13. Cream Floral drawers - George Asda // 14. Dachshund letter organiser - ModCloth // 15. Memo board - Urban Outfitters // 16. Stay Wild Framed wall art - Urban Outfitters // 17. Vintage four Aperture photo frame - George Asda // 18. Lavender in a Jug - George Asda

With the grid photo frame I would be able to make a collage of photos that bring back happy memories to have on my wall, it would be a very organised collage (having a Monica moment, Friends fans will understand, hopefully). How beautiful is the ornate mirror? The three pieces of Parisian inspired wall art would work so well with my bedroom wall paper. I think these little set of drawers are cute for putting bits and bobs in, I love the floral detail! My sausage dog obsession has extended to wanting a letter organiser just because it's in a sausage dog shape!! A memo is always needed for me, the girl with a memory like a gold fish. I really like how the 'Stay Wild' motif is made out of grass and flowers, it would give a love fresh summery feel to my room. I'm a big fan of the Vintage four aperture photo frame that looks like its been roughly painted cream to give the impression the paint has worn away with age for a vintage look, it's a must for my wall gallery. Yet again, the thing that makes me like the Lavender in a jug is the vintage aesthetics and also the fact the lavender is fake so I won't be able to kill it in a week (woop, woop!).

I will do a follow up post of what my bedroom looks like once I've finished adding little details.

K x  


CAMP Collection

I recently discovered a new favourite clothing brand that goes by the name 'CAMP Collection'. They are a San Francisco based brand inspired by the nostalgia of summer camp. I love the whole vintage, Seventies look to the products and to the look books on their website. Their clothes just going off looks alone seem so comfy and perfect for lounging around on a hot summers day in (maybe getting carried away a bit, I do live in the North West of England after all). With the hues and colour palette of that of a Wes Anderson film, the photo shoot for their recent collection 'Summer Daze' is a massive hit with me. I'll share with you few of my favourite snaps from the shoot after I've finished rambling about my love for the brand. I wish I could buy every item of clothing, throw my laptop to the side (well, gently place anyway), pull on my Converses and go off on an adventure with map and compass in hand.

Here are a few of my favourite snaps from CAMP Collections 'Summer Daze' look-book photo shoot: 
Too see the full photoshoot click this link more camp collection snaps

I also made a bit of a mood board (it's no fancy Photoshop one, sorry guys) but, I was feeling inspired and thought I'd put together some images that relate to the brands aesthetics.
I get the summer vibe from these images just as I do with that of CAMP Collections lookbooks and clothes, there's something about those warm, vintage hues that I find so appealing.

So, here are my top picks from CAMP Collections range, believe me I tried to cut it down but, I couldn't!
I'm a massive fan of the slogan t-shirts which look like the staples from the wardrobe of a Seventies skater girl. The roller girl shorts look so comfy, can I please live in them? Oh of course their had to be something striped in my top picks! You could easily pair any of the t-shirts with some flares for the ultimate 70's look, you could do a Katie and tuck the t-shirts into a skirt or go all out CAMP Collection uniform and wear them with the roller girl skirts as seen in the Summer Daze look book.

I felt that inspired by the Summer Daze shoot that I even did a quick illustration of one of the photos.
This looks so much better in real life but, I had to take a photo as my scanner isn't working.

When I have money to save (a girl can dream right) I will save up so I can buy at least one item off their website, maybe one day when I'm no longer a poor student.

If you want to see more of what CAMP Collection have to offer check out their website

Thanks for reading!
 K x

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