I'm definitely glad to be saying good bye to 2015, if you've been reading my blog posts over the past year you'll understand.

My year involved:
- having my bedroom redecorated
- the loss of my dear Grandad
- Turning 21, scary stuff!!!!
- Going for a brief trip to London with my Boyfriend & going to the Alexander McQueen exhibition
- Going to Durham for the first time with my family to see the Yves Saint Laurent exhibition
- Going in to my last year of University
- Speaking in front of a group of people on my own twice, a big thing for me!
- Taking part in a my first Charity walk/run, raising money for the Alzheimers society in memory of my Grandad
- Getting my hair cut to shoulder length
- Seeing the Computers at the Deaf Institute
- Having one of my illustrations picked for book-plates in books being donated to Children In hospital
- Watching the new Star Wars film
I hope 2015 treated you well and that the year to come is your best one yet!
Thank you for reading!
Love from
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