
'This Time Next Year' Tag

Hello lovelies, yesterday I was tagged by Vanessa from Life of Vanessa (go and give her blog a read) to complete the 'This Time Next Year' Tag.
The tag was created by Sarah who was inspired by the new programme presented by Davina McCall called 'This Time Next Year'. The idea of the show is members of the public will come on the show and discuss with Davina a life changing goal that they'd like to achieve by next year (2017) and it then flashes forwarded to this year to see just whether or not they did manage to achieve their goal (I hope that makes sense).

This is how the tag works:
- You thank the person who tagged you
- Write your goals for the coming year

- Write about what you'll do to achieve them
- Tag at least 5 friends to share their goals
- Then this time next year return and say how successful you were in completing them

With that in mind this blog post is all about setting goals for myself in different aspects of my life, here are my goals for 2017.

- Exercise more (well at all really) getting off my bum and get moving
- Have a more positive mind set which includes not putting myself down so much


- Have started posting exactly what I want to post on my blog including outfit posts, beauty/make up look posts & maybe some D.I.Y's. I will do this by simply not giving a damn!

- I'm going to me ambitious and say it would be amzing to have 1,000 followers on Bloglovin by interacting with other lovely bloggers and posting more consistently with a variety of interesting posts. 


- Started selling a few of my illustrations in print form on my Etsy shop & maybe in other forms 
- I hope to be attend my first art fair and sell my prints there
- Attempt to make my first Zine (mini magazine/book)
I will do all those things by stop putting things off because I think I might fail and just do it!
I will write a more in depth post on my goals for next year in my 'New Years Resolutions' post towards the end of the year.

I would tag friends in this but, I don't have any (wow that sounds sad). So, if you are reading this I tag you to post your goals for the coming year.

Thank you for reading!
Love from


  1. yay so glad you did one!! I love that you're gonna start posting whatever you want, just be you & i can't wait to see all your prints :) xx

    1. Thank you again for tagging me!Life is too short to let what people might think hold you back! Aw thank you so much lovely, Twiggy won the overall vote so I'll be selling them first :-) I can't wait to get started! xx


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