it's been three months since I last wrote anything on here (big shock) *disclaimer* the rest of this post is the ramblings from the inside of my head.
I've been really feeling very lost recently and struggling the worst I have in a while with a lack of confidence and feeling anxious about everything.
I feel with social media being so popular these days and everyone posting the highlights of their lives (I'll probably do a whole post on that) I find it difficult not to compare myself to strangers. I get this overwhelming feeling that I'm now 24 years old and should have my sh** together like so many people on my Instagram, people I know from high school either have their own, place, are married and have kids.
Job/Career wise I haven't a clue anymore! At the moment I'm currently looking for any job really just to get some money. The dream would be to buy and sell vintage clothes because I love clothes so much and think I would really enjoy looking for the individual pieces. But, I would also like to carry on with my illustrations and selling them. Hopefully I will figure it all out eventually, sooner rather than later please.
I'm not 100% sure where I'm going this post if I'm being honest so I will just leave it short, I just wanted to get all my thoughts out.
Thank you so much for reading!
Love from
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