If you haven't already guessed from the name of my blog, my name is Katie, I am 22 years old, from Greater Manchester and graduated from University in July with a degree in Illustration*. I love all things Sixities; especially the fashion (oh hello mini skirts and colourful patterns), music and interior design. I spend the majority of my time drawing and spending time with my lovely boyfriend and my family.
*basically creating images to decorate or help clarify & explain something may it be in magazines, books, animations and online.
So, let's crack on with the Get To Know Me Tag questions
1. What is your middle name?
My middle name is Marie that may be obvious due to my blog name.
2. What was your favourite subject at school?
Hmm it has to be art the only lesson I could really bare.
3. What is your favourite drink?
Well, I'm going to be super boring and say Dandelion & Burdock OR freshly squeezed orange juice
4. What is your favourite song at the moment?
I actually don't have one at the moment, I haven't listened to much music.
5. What would you choose as your last meal?
Ohh gosh, hmm maybe a chilli with some nachos OR a spicy pasta dish with cheesy garlic bread
6. What was the last thing you bought?
I pushed the boat out and bought Photoshop (well the monthly plan)
7. Favourite book of all time?
I haven't read many books in my adult life but, I've recently started re-reading the Harry Potter books & I still love them as much as I did when I was a child, maybe more!
8. Favourite Colour?
Red, always red!
9. Do you have any pets?
I don't, I'm forever wishing I had a cat or a rabbit (preferably both).
10. Favourite Perfume?
My favourite has to be by Marc Jacobs and it's his Daisy Sorbet perfume.
11. Favourite Celebration?
Christmas everyday! Ahh I'm already so excited!!! Bring on hot chocolates, in pyjamas watching Christmas films.
12. What is your relationship status?
I've been with my lovely boyfriend for what will be 5 years in January!
13. Do you speak any other language?
No, I don't sadly, I have a shocking memory so, it goes in and straight back out.
14. How many siblings do you have?
I have one younger sister, she's 6 years younger than me. However, a few people have thought we are either twins or I'm only slightly older (bloody baby face).
15. What is your favourite shop?
IKEA! I love going to Ikea! Also, asos as you're always bound to find something you like on there. Oh and Waterstones is a shop I love visiting.
16. Favourite Restaurant?
I don't really eat out often but, I do love Pizza Express. mmm someone bring me their dough balls!
17. When was the last time you cried?
Oh gosh erm probably the other day when I watch First Dates and an elderly man was explaining the last time he saw his son before he passed away.
18. Favourite Blog?
It has to be whatoliviadid her content is always perfect; her style of writing and the photographs her and her boyfriend Joe create are always amazing! They look like they could be some form of advertisement in a magazine. Plus, I can never fault Olivia's style, especially with her nods to vintage fashion
I will be doing a post soon featuring more of my favourite blogs!
19. Favourite Film?
All of the Harry Potter film!
20. Favourite TV shows?
The Office but, Netflix took it off (yes I am still sad about that).
21. PC or Mac?
hmm I'm not sure really, I quite like how simple my laptop (PC) is, you don't get the wheel of doom/death coming on it all the time (this coming from past Mac experiences at uni).
22. What phone do you have?
I have the iPhone 5, I would have upgraded but, my hands are too small for the iPhone6!
23. How tall are you?
I am 5ft8 so fairly tall I guess.
24. Can you cook?
I can follow a recipe when I need to, does that count?
That's all the questions answered, I hope you enjoyed learning a bit more about me.
Thank you for reading!
Love from
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