Katherine who blogs over on Millennial Rants ever so nicely tagged me to answer the questions from the Blog Recognition Award the other day, so of course I shall be answering the questions in this post.
Before, I answer them these are the rules
- Thank the blogger who nominated you and link to their blog
- Briefly explain how how your blog started
- Give two pieces of advice to bloggers just starting out
- Select 15 bloggers you want to tag and give the award to - and then let them know
How my blog started
I actually started it years ago back in 2012 but, I never used it regularly. I decided to start up my blog so I had some where to talk about anything I wanted to.
Two pieces advice for new bloggers
Hmm I'm no expert when it comes to blogging and I still have so much to learn
what I would say though is
1. Be yourself and write about what you're passionate about as it reflects so much in your writing.
2. Don't be afraid to interact with other bloggers because you never know you might find some good friends through doing so. Taking part in Twitter blogger chats definitely helps ease you into talking to new people if you struggle with things like that like I do.
I'm not sure who else to tag, as I think pretty much all of my favourite bloggers have been tagged already although, I don't think the lovely Tanya of Scribbled Dreams has been so I would like to nominate her!
Thank you for reading!
Love from
Thank you so much for tagging me. And I totally agree with all your advices. Hope you have an amazon. Day lovely. ❤️