It's been a whileee
Well I thought I would share a year round up and my hopes and goals for 2019.
2018 will go down in my history as the worst year of my life so far, so that's been fun *sarcasm*.

I've set myself goals for this year instead of resolutions because I think the word goals is a little less intimidating than resolution (I don't know it makes sense to me).
So here are my goals for 2019
Get stronger
I've been exercising five days a week (sometimes there is a little bit of slacking) for a couple of months, I'm yet to start enjoying it but, I'm impressed with how I've actually stuck with it for longer than a week. I would like to even possibly (if I'm being very adventurist)join the gym when I have more money, although the thought terrifies me to my very core. Mainly because I don't have an athletic bone in my bone in my body.
Cook and bake more
I LOVE food so it seems crazy that I actually don't cook or bake very often.
Be kinder to myself and stop being a damn perfectionist.
I am the biggest cheerleader of everyone (strangers included) but, with myself I'm the complete opposite. You name it I'll have put myself down about it, my appearance, my personality, my intelligence and my drawing skills. It can be so tiring/draining and I'm so done with it. Being a perfectionist is so damn frustrating, thinks take at least 10 times longer because I don't think what I've done is perfect.
Make significant progress in therapy
This one is a biggy and probably the goal that will have the biggest effect on me.
Say yes to more things/new experiences
There's not much to say about this really, sometimes I should yes to trying things instead of thinking of every negative outcome that may come from doing so.
Go outside more
I'm an actual hermit that spends a good 99.9% of my time inside drawing and hiding from life. I want to take my camera out with me on a nice long walk and get snap happy. I mean it can only be better for my for my health than sitting inside.
Finally sort out my wardrobe
At the moment I dislike 90%* of my wardrobe so, I definitely need to sort through everything I have and either sell or give some to charity. I want to have pieces that will go with plenty of other items in my wardrobe. I also no longer see the point in having items that don't make me feel good about myself.
*I'm clearly really into using percentages in this blog post
Read more books
In an attempt to improve my memory (keeping everything crossed) and it's nice having something else that chills me out other than drawing and watching Gilmore Girls on Netflix.
Start saving for the future
I feel like every person and their dog has now got a house or a flat that's they either rent or own so I'm feeling a little bit behind now. It would help to actually get a job to start the saving process in the first place.
Go on holiday
I haven't been on holiday since 2009 so I'm excited to finally be able to visit a new place. After, this past year I think some time away is just what I need and actually bloody well deserved! I'm not sure where I want to go really, I don't want to go somewhere too hot but, I would like some sunshine a stark contrast to grey Manchester at the moment. There are so many beautiful places that I would love to explore one day, it just takes some £££ that I don't currently have. But, for now scrolling through Pinterest will have to do until hopefully some point this year I can get away.
Get some bloody sleep but, also get up earlier
My sleeping habits have been awful for as long as I can remember so it would be nice to finally do something about it. I love sleep so why I don't go to sleep earlier who knows.
Experiment more with my illustrations & try new crafts
I'm so excited to work on some new illustrations and ideas that I have for the new year. I will finally take commissions, something I have been putting off because I didn't think I was good enough. Last year I did my first bit of digital drawing which has been interesting and quite tricky really so, I would like to improve my digital drawing skills too this year. I got into embroidery towards the end of 2018 so I'm hoping to carry that on and see where that takes me. I'm also looking forward to trying out punch needling which looks so cool and creates a sort of shaggy rug effect! Will I get a stall at craft fair? Maybe but, no pressure although it would be nice.
If you're reading this I hope you had an amazing Christmas and that 2019 is your best year yet!
Thank you so much for reading!
Love from
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